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New Companies

Starting a new company is daunting. You need to establish your team, develop your product, find your first customers, and secure funding to operate the business. Each of these can be a full-time job, and they can be overwhelming when you need to juggle them all simultaneously. Let us handle your legal needs so that you have one fewer thing to worry about. Our value proposition is simple: We will prepare all of the legal documents your new company needs to go from an idea on the back of a napkin to pitching potential investors more efficiently than anyone else.

If you used a do-it-yourself incorporation service and got stuck after the initial steps, we can assist you. If you are not an American citizen or permanent resident, we can help you too. We know there are special considerations for foreign founders and how to navigate them. If you established your company some time ago and are concerned that mistakes were made, we can review your legal documents and clean up any mistakes so that your company is on solid ground and can take its next forward steps.

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